How I Would Write It - Naomi vs Mandy Rose
 A big criticism of WWE television these days is that the storylines don't have much depth to them. 

While it appears WWE is putting more effort than before into fixing this; there still doesn't seem to be much depth. 

So, this feels like a good time to start a new series of articles called: How I Would Write It. (Super creative name, don't you think?)

Let's start with one of those attempts to add depth to the storylines; the Naomi, Uso One, and Mandy Rose saga. (For anyone new to The Spanish Annouandnce Table; Jimmy is referred to here as Uso One, and Jey is known as Uso Two.)

Now, I'll give WWE credit; they ARE trying to make a deeper, more intriguing storyline, so that we'll care more about the feud, and the matches.
However, I would go even deeper, and I would do that by involving Uso Two into the mix.

While the decision to have Rose defeat Naomi on their first match was a good idea, the execution didn't really leave us with much, other than the thought of Naomi having some damaged pride.
Moving forward, I would have Rose find a way to keep winning matches against Naomi. These could be through heel tactics, of course. In fact, that's preferable. 

With each victory, we should notice Uso One seeming to be legitimately impressed with Rose's abilities. Which, would make it not-so-surprising when reports, and photos, surface of Uso One being seen with Rose. 

Now, to be clear, none of these photos and/or reports should be 100% conclusive, leaving open the ability for all to assume that it's actually Uso Two that has been seen with Rose.
Here's where I have a fork in the road. I feel like the easy way out is for Uso One and Uso Two to have conflict between themselves. Uso One is angry that Uso Two would risk such endeavors, knowing full-well what hardships Rose has created for the family, and we eventually get the breakup (for now) of The Usos, and we get Rose & Uso Two vs Naomi & Uso One. 

The other option, the one I like more, is to have it really BE Uso One who is now running around with Rose, and is instead BLAMING it on Uso Two, which wrecks the tag team AND the marriage, leading to Rose & Uso ONE vs Naomi & Uso TWO! 

The latter of these two options just feels so much more scandalous and entertaining.
But what do YOU think? Do you like either of these ideas? Would you do something different? Would you do NOTHING different than what WWE is doing right now? 

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